travel diary -- french pharmacies

it’s time for a #beautytalk β€” but a Parisian version!

what better way to start the new year with one of my favorite topics? SKINCARE! and hey, any chance to re-live the Europe trip right? french pharmacies are on almost every corner in France noted by a green cross. it was something i was really looking forward to since pharmacies in France are actually stocked with skincare in various price ranges. so not what you would typically think. in these pharmacies you’ll find crammed aisle after aisle of beauty products along with typical homeopathic medicines as well. let’s just say, as a skincare addict, i could spend hours looking at every product, -ooohing and ahhingg. unfortunately, they would probably kick me out and i didn’t have the luxury of time on my side. so i had to find the β€œmust-have” products to lug home with me (in my non-existent check in luggage) = PP (poor planning).

in some quick google searches i made a list of a couple of things to look for. while you can buy pretty much anything online these days, you’ll be paying a premium here in the states. and hey i was in Paris so what the heck. tips & list of items i purchased after the jump.

side ramblings: it’s hard to believe that we’re in 2023 already. i started off this year with a new annual tradition of going to the crystal store for some healing stones. it’s always a fun trip and i learn more each time && even if you’re not super spiritual, the stones always make great decor pieces! with an intentional year ahead, i created/decorated a memory box and plan to putting random things in it that are associated with a milestone or memory (ex: a receipt to a memorable meal, hotel key to a place i traveled to). it’ll be a good exercise to reflect on at the end of 2023. i also plan on creating a vision board in canva, and maybe a list of INs and OUTs. i’m not really a big new year kinda person. but idk, this one feels different and it can’t hurt to be more intentional and vision-focused. i wish you health and happiness in 2023!

currently on my playlist: vienna by Gretta Ray

oui oui to all the [Paris] skincare goodies!


tips //

  • take screenshots of the actual products you’re looking for. it’ll be easier when you’re asking for help locating something particular β€” also helps you get in and out faster because they can get crowded depending on location.

  • if you see something go ahead and purchase it then vs. waiting because you might not see it again. all pharmacies stock very different brands & items.

  • if someone asks you if you need help, take it! the associates are supposed to be very knowledgeable but unfortunately i was on such a time crunch each time so didn’t get to do this 😐

  • some items are located behind the counter, so these are where the screenshots come in handy!

  • if you’re out of luggage space (also needs to be a check in for most items) go with beauty products you can’t readily get in the states. i put an * on the ones that you can’t really find here in the USA.

  • and as always, before you use a new product, test it on a small part of your skin before going full-on!! everyone’s skin is different and reacts to different things!

the conversion from USD to EUR was almost 1.00 when i was there AND it makes it easy to calculate the β€œcost-savings” below. so really it depends on the product. sometimes the cost-savings isn’t that much for you to lug home, esp if you can find it in the states. but sometimes the cost-savings is half price… which then… you just gotta get it! gotta prioritize on the skincare haul πŸ˜„

le list //

01. Biologique Recherche P50W lotion* β€” $138.00 USD // 62.00 EUR

this is supposed to be a very iconic Parisian brand. known for their P50 lotion, a lotion that is supposed to exfoliate, mattify, and purify your skin. i’ve never heard of tried it. in fact, i couldn’t find it at a french pharamacie but ended up finding it in Le Bon Marche (department store). i purchased the P50W for sensitive skin, the regular/original version is P50. i also heard this stuff smells slightly funky so that’ll be interesting.

02. Biafane* β€” ?? can’t find this on Amazon // guessing 9.00 EUR

this is a moisturizer in a metal tube used for post-chemical peel, sunburns, and general dryness. it’s almost an all-in-one cream equivalent of Aquaphor that’s been around since the 70s.

03. Embryolisse lait-creme concentre β€” $29.00 USD // 13.99 EUR

also another moisturizer for all-skin types. i read that a lot of make-up artists use this cream. it’s another one of those multi-tasking products: moisturizer, makeup primer, makeup remover, moisturizing mask.

04. Homeoplasmine* β€” $16.99 USD // guessing 7.00 EUR

this is an ointment that is supposed to help with skin irritations such as when you blow your nose too much. it’s also used on dry lips. basically the equivalent to vaseline in a metal tube. apparently people use it to tame their brows too!

05. Filorga time filler eyes β€” $59.00 USD // guessing 45.00 EUR

i picked this up specifically for the puffy eyes target. i feel like my under eyes have gotten puffier over the years so we’ll see if this stuff works! pretty clunky packaging for eye cream IMO though.

06. Caudalie resveratrol-lift serum β€” $84.00 USD // 44.90 EUR

Caudalie was my first brand intro to premium skincare when i was in my early twenties. it started with the SOS serum (sadly, they no longer make this). Caudalie makes some amazing products so this was the chance to try them for more age-related skincare concerns such as the resveratol-life serum. you can also purchase it as a set to try here!

07. Caudalie premier cru serum β€” $139.00 USD // 79.90 EUR

i’ve tried samples of the caudalie premier line and it’s NICE. so this was the perfect opportunity to bring a bottle of the premier cru home with me at HALF the price!

08. VICHY mineral 89 daily booster serum β€” $32.99 USD// 17.99 EUR

this is a pretty mainstream brand you can find at Target (let’s give it up for Target who has come a longgg way in beauty/skincare brands). however the price was too good not to lug home to try. apparently there’s an eye serum too that could be a light daytime option!

09. Arnican* β€” ?? can’t find this on Amazon // guessing 6.00 EUR

arnica is a herb that treats bruises. this is a roll on and pocket size! it’s supposed to cut down the coloration time of bruises due to the anti-inflammatory component. i have used a similar Chinese medicine based one so i believe this stuff really works. great for those that are prone to bruises!

10. Avene eau thermale β€” $18.00 USD // guessing 10.00 EUR

there are a lot of facial sprays and mists out there. and tbh, facial sprays really aren’t necessary if you’re starting on your skincare journey. you should invest in more solid skincare products than a mist, this one should be last on your list! however, when you’re at a place and misting yourself this one is special since it uses thermal spring water (contains natural minerals) #mistyourself

11. La Roche Posay cicaplast baume B5 β€” $17.69 USD // 6.99 EUR

this is another multi-purpose cream for dry and irritated skin. fragrance and paraben free. i’ve also been using their gentle hydrating cleanser in the AM (milky side) and love it!

*not readily available in the USA

catch you at the next #beautychat!,

travel diary -- france (lyon & paris)


next stop… FRANCE! from milan we took the earliest train to france. the transportation system is pretty cool there in terms of getting around! i loved france so much. gosh, just writing about this and adding all the photos reminds me of the great memories made and all the sights i was able to see/take in! what i loved about france was the abundance of pastries (hello carbs), the shopping, the french pharmacies, the architecture. everything was so gorgeous. it stole my heart and i hope it won’t be long until i see myself in France again.

>>> IG REELS for more visual & music: LYON & PARIS part I & part II

currently on my playlist: paris in the rain by Lauv



Lyon was a good introduction to France because it was a quieter city than Paris. and apparently it’s known for its food. unfortunately, we went during a time when most places were closed due to holiday travel. even the ginormous food hall was closed, it was a bummer. we checked into our AirBnB and i was not sure how i was going to survive without A/C. well i didn’t. none of us did. with the heat wave it was hard to function let alone sleep the first night. we ended up checking into a hotel for the rest of the stay. LOL. the things you take for granted living in the USA i tell ya. i enjoyed the beautiful and quiet streets of Lyon. it was a good precursor to Paris.

some memorable moments included: not being able to survive without AC, my brother almost got pick-pocketed at the train station β€” this is where speaking a second language comes in handy! lol, my mom and i already saw this guy eyeing my brother bad. it also didn’t help that most of us were wearing athleisure, so we completely stick out as tourists! in Lyon, we woke up every morning in search for pastries. it was the best #simplethings


praline bread goodness!!!!

first order of business everyday

attractions //

  • St. Antonine Market β€” local farmer’s market where there are all sorts of fruits, veggies, cheeses, and even chicken being roasted as the grease drips down on come cooked potatoes (regret not getting some)!

  • Catherdrale Saint-Jean Baptiste β€” aka: Lyon Cathedral

  • La Part Dieu β€” did some shopping/browsing in this center where they had MUJI (organizer lover’s heaven), UNIQLO, and they had a french pharmacy which ended up being my favorite because it was massive!!! the funny part was it was early in the France trip so i was going to wait until we got to Paris. but you know that gut instinct!! i ended up going back and purchased A LOT. in hindsight, it had the best prices with almost EVERYTHING i was eyeing.

eateries //

  • Creperie du Major β€” my first real crepe in France! while i love dessert crepes, i opted for savory. interesting how it’s made of buckwheat flour. bu

  • Les Eclaireurs Patissiers β€” my favorite eclair place. we went 3x. the eclairs were perfection, from design to taste and variety of exotic flavors. i loved the rose + lychee and the passion fruit ones!

  • Les Halles de Lyon β€” the famous food hall in Lyon! unfortunately, 75% of it was closed due to people being on holiday. so that was a huge bummer, esp for my BIL who was really looking forward to it.

things i learned //

  • the city is known for this praline bread. just imagine this bread with hot pink speckles all over it with a crusted exterior. oh my. it was SO. GOOD. i wish i could take loaves home. i googled a recipe here.

  • there are free restrooms on the sides of the streets that automatically wash themselves! sooooooo. interesting. and for the most part, you have to pay to use the restrooms (that’s why they are clean)!

  • the french do not refrigerate their milk or eggs.

  • when in france, the first order of biz is always PASTRIES. and coffee!!

Catherdrale Saint-Jean Baptiste


our final stop was Paris. saved the best for last! i was very eager to get to Paris. unfortunately, the food we had wasn’t that good. this is probably because we were limited in needing to eat early (traveling with kids) and most restaurants don’t serve dinner until 7PM. i know. it’s crazy. like who eats that late?!?! since this was the last leg of the trip, there were many purchases to be made from gifts for friends/family, and of course gifts to ourselves lol.

despite all the things you hear about Paris, I LOVED IT. i’m not sure when i’ll be back but by golly, i hope soon!

the Vendome right outside our hotel

out suite at the Park Hyatt Vendome

streets of Paris

comp breakfast!

Pierre Herme macarons

Pain Pain pastries

Bon Marche

ferris wheel in Jardin du Tuileries

Cedric Grolet Opera

the Lourve

attractions //

  • Tuk Tuk in Paris Tour β€” this was actually really fun! it was a quick and easy way to have someone show you around to get a jist of the city and the history behind it. they stopped at all the top attractions and let us down around the Eiffel Tower for photos!

  • L’Atelier des Lumieres β€” this is the exact spot where a scene was shot in Emily in Paris. it’s soothing to see the images and songs but not sure i would make a trip all the way out there for this again.

  • Louvre β€” the Louvre is HUGE. it would take more than a day to go through the entire museum. and good luck trying to find your way out of there!!!

  • Galleries Lafayette Haussmann β€” this shopping mall was GORGEOUS. probably my favorite. the tundra in the middle was just stunning.

  • Bon Marche β€” this was also a pretty shopping mall as well, much quieter than Galleries Lafayette Haussmann.

  • Champs-Elysees Avenue β€” this street is so beautiful. we went down it on the tuk tuk tour and i was so fascinated by the trees that flank this street. like who cuts them and how do they cut them so rectangular…

  • Arc de Triomphe β€” tickets were bought way in advance and you’ll want to do this because the lines are long if you don’t. this was on our last day and i was exhausted. at this point my feet were hella tired and i really wasn’t sure i was gonna make it up all those stairs. it’s a pretty view at the top but also something i wouldn’t do again.

view at the top of the Arc du Triomphe

eateries //

  • Galleries Lafayette Le Gourmet β€” this place was very BUSY. forget trying to find a place to sit for 8 people. i like how it’s basically an upscale food court you would find in a mall, but in a building adjacent from the mall (Galleries Lafayette Haussmann).

  • Pierre Herme β€” did you really go to Paris if you didn’t get a macaron? peirre does a good job!

  • Laudree β€” more macarons!

  • Pain Pain β€” probably the most epic in terms of pastries and cafe menu items! there was a line out the door so be prepared to wait.

  • Grand Epicerie β€” great little upscale grocery store with some eateries inside.

  • Cedric Grolet Opera β€” i’m one of those people who have problems when i go to bakeries. suddenly my eyes become wayyy bigger than my stomach and i end up buying goodies for what seems like a family of 5. and when you’re on vacay, price does not matter (i’m not the only one on this right?!) i ended up picking up a tart (small) that cost $45…. whoops. #yolo rest assured i made sure to eat the whole thing. each bite was HEAVEN.

  • Stohrer

  • Kintaro Ramen β€” yes, we had ramen in Paris. haha, everyone was so tired of crepes!

things i learned //

  • the shopping malls in Paris are interesting. they are categorized by floor. example, perfume and cosmetics on floor 1, handbags on 2 etc… then on each floor each brand has it’s own section with a representative and checkout. very interesting!

  • Parisians dress very nicely! athleisure is not a thing there.

  • a regular dessert crepe in just butter and sugar!

Arc du Triomphe